
The pregnant maiden

Hello readers, this post is just a trial of working hard towards a better future regardless of our present challenges

Life is filled with phases, in the Yoruba-African tradition, it can be represented with Morning, afternoon and night. Lets shed a little light on this representation. Morning signifies the pristine innocence I.e the young days, the afternoon represents the youthful age where one is still agile to strive in life while the night signifies the old age this explanation can also be referenced to the Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka in his play ” the lion and the jewel.

Consequently,  sometimes we make some mistakes while going through each phase, these mistakes usually become regrets only when we move to the next phase.
However, It definitely going to require us to shed away the past and look into the future. That future has to be nourished to avoid malnutrition.

The pregnant maiden
Though not ready to bear the fruits
Here she is greeted by each day and moments with several experiences
Always tiring with the urge for sleep
Lost appetite but needs to eat
Not just food but a balanced one
As balance as the wheel of a vehicle
Even at the point of vomiting
She Kept on striving to eat.
To make the foetus look fresh and healthy
Brilliant and presentable
Loving and adorable

Always working hard to prepare for
the arrival of the newborn

Only then can the maiden have peace of mind, that attracts
A relaxing night.

By modest28

I am an optimist with the vision to become a good content writer. A motivator, teacher and linguist.